Interested in evangelizing?

TIME: Every Saturday from 2:30 p.m.- 4:30 p.m.

LOCATION: Our location varies. We evangelize in Millennium Park, on subway platforms, and in different neighborhoods around the city.

Please email Jeremy Chong at for weekly evangelism details.

Evangelism FAQs

  • Our group disperses into small, balanced teams of two or three to engage in conversations. We approach people and ask questions in a friendly way such as, “What do you think happens after life ends?” or “Do you know what the gospel is?” Additionally, we provide literature and Bibles to pass out, and try to plug people into our Bible study. Approved men are free to preach the gospel in the open-air, while others engage in conversation.

  • Believers with little or no experience will be paired with those seasoned in street evangelism. At the start, the first-timer can shadow before jumping in a conversation. Often times, the first-timer eventually confident enough to try to initiate a conversation. Reformation Chicago additionally offers evangelism training to individuals, groups, and churches outside of our typical Saturday events. Furthermore, our YouTube channel, Reformation Chicago Radio, contains additional resources.

  • Check the weather and prepare for being outside for stretches of the outreach. When the weather is severe, we often move indoors in the CTA system, malls, or similar places. Feel free to bring a Bible, small items to pass out to the homeless, and a water bottle. We will have plenty of outreach literature.

  • While the media often highlights the violence in Chicago, no one with our group has ever heard a gunshot, been robbed, or been assaulted during evangelism. We evangelize at one of the safest possible times in the day when many families are out and about. We avoid evangelists who are brawlers and try to needlessly anger people. That being said, each evangelist comes at their own risk with the understanding that anything could happen.

  • If you are driving, budget an extra thirty minutes more than what the gps predicts. This will allow extra time for traffic, finding parking, and arriving ten minutes early for prayer. To honor the time of those participating, we try to begin right on time and end right on time. If we are meeting at Target on State and Madison, park on S. Clark street near Chicago Loop Synagogue. Send receipts in for parking for full reimbursement.

    Additionally, the Loop is a convenient place meet for those traveling by CTA or to the Ogilvie, Union, or Millennium Park Stations. We will reimburse all tickets and CTA expenses, just send us a photo of the purchase.


“This was my first time sharing the gospel with a complete stranger, and it was truly life-changing for me. These exact people were meant to hear the gospel that day and at that time. To look straight into the eyes of a stranger, and share the truth of Jesus Christ is an experience unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. It’s like I had only been living half of the Christian life—and never realizing there was another half. It was like a curtain lifting and showing me something I never knew was there. I looked into the eyes of a broken and lost man who, it seemed, was a project of the Holy Spirit. I looked into his eyes and told him about Jesus, who loves sinners and saves sinners who think they can’t be saved.”

Joshua Savage, Mid-America Reformed Seminary Student